Welcome to my website. I am a first-year PhD student in Politics at Princeton University. My research interests are in legislative institutions, political elite behavior, and the impact of party cues on public opinion.
I received my BA in Political Science from the University of Western Ontario in 2023. Before coming to Princeton, I worked on Parliament Hill as part of the Parliamentary Internship Programme.
You can access the latest version of my CV here.
Payler, Megan, Cynthia Huo, Cameron Anderson, Nandita Biswas Mellamphy, and Christopher Alcantara. 2024. “The Gender Gap and Academic Publishing in Political Science: Evidence from Canada.” American Review of Canadian Studies.
Brie, Evelyne, Cynthia Huo, and Christopher Alcantara. 2023. “Measuring Policy Diffusion in Federal Systems: The Case of Legalizing Cannabis in Canada under Time Constraints.” Publius: The Journal of Federalism.
Huo, Cynthia, Philip Charbonneau, and Christopher Alcantara. 2022. “Overcoming Barriers to Indigenous-Local Water Sharing Agreements in Canada.” Canadian Public Administration 65, no. 3: 421-438.
Huo, Cynthia. 2023. “A Question of Privilege: The Speaker as Guardian of the House of Commons.” Canadian Parliamentary Review 46, no. 2: 25-31.
Huo, Cynthia and Jonathan Malloy. 2023. “Extreme partisanship is infecting committees, and we should be worried.” Policy Options.
You can find me on Twitter here. My email address is cynthia.huo@princeton.edu
Survey of MPs in the Canadian House of Commons (2024): available in English here. and French here.